Cold barley to the smell of the sea

Cold barley to the smell of the sea

In summer there’s  more place for salads.
Also leads you to make healthy recipes, because the cereal, as you know, are a great substitute of meat.

This recipe came from a tip, cold barley to the smell of the sea.

There was talk of cold salads, or summer in short and advised me this delicacies:

Cold barley to the smell of the sea
Tempo totale
Cold barley to the smell of the sea, refreshing, light and sapore di mare, cold barley
Ricetta: First course
Cucina: Italian
Serves: 4
  • 250 g Pearl barley
  • 10 cherry tomatoes
  • a dozen shrimp
  • enough black olives
  • 125 g jar of pesto genovese
  • 200 g squid
  • salt to taste
  • evo oil as required
  1. Soak the barley any hour (on some bottles there is written that does not require soaking, but an hour never hurts)
  2. Let it cook in salted water for 45 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile Cook in salty water also squids and prawns for about twenty minutes.
  4. Cut olives and cherry tomatoes, put them in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and drizzle with a little oil.
  5. Drain the barley and add to the tomatoes and season with pesto.
  6. Add the squid and shrimp. Mix well and refrigerate.
  7. Serve nice cool with a drizzle of raw oil.
  8. Stir from time to time because barley dry and tends to stick a little.
I thought I'd combine these ingredients without adding more because with too you overdo it!

Cold barley to the smell of the sea image 1 Cold barley to the smell of the sea image 2 Cold barley to the smell of the sea image 3 Cold barley to the smell of the sea image 4

Pasta salad with celery

pasta salad with celery

Today’s recipe I was advised …

In the afternoon I gostro with the bike with my baby, and there is also the exchange of recipes … 🙂

Usually  we  meet my daughter’s little ​​cousin and her mom Laura, also very good in the kitchen, and in addition to exchange views about children, we also talk about kitchen and She gave me an idea for quick and convenient summer receipe : pasta salad with celery! It’s coming off a really tasty pasta from the original taste, combined with a few ingredients but really good! variant tasty. Good Laura!

Pasta salad with celery
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Pasta salad with celery, summer dish cold and crisp. Great for the hot days.
Ricetta: First Course
Cucina: Italian
Serves: 2
  • 200 g of pasta (fusilli or wheels or whatever you prefer)
  • 3-4 stalks of celery including leaves
  • tomatoes (10-15)
  • 50 g Emmenthal Swiss
  • parsley to taste
  • salt
  • pepper to taste
  • extra virgin olive oil
  1. Cook pasta and let it cool
  2. Cut the Swiss cheese with tomatoes in half already salted to taste before.
  3. Sprinkle with a little oil.
  4. Meanwhile, cut the celery into small pieces and sauté with a pinch of salt for 15 minutes, basting if necessary with a little water from the pasta. (you can also use raw)
  5. Let it cool a bit and mix it with tomatoes and cheese.
  6. Finely chop the leaves and sprinkle the whole thing.
  7. Combine the pasta and mix well with a little oil.
  8. Sprinkle with parsley and pepper and serve fresh beautiful!!

Pasta salad with celery image 1 Pasta salad with celery image 2 Pasta salad with celery image 3

Pasta with arugula pesto

Pasta with arugula pesto

Dear friends, I would like to make an introduction in this post: now you can follow me on Bloglovin, I have yet to understand why these changes, the rest are a landslide in Technology (luckily there’s my husband, with whom I quarrel all sometimes I do not understand why a club ever), but I got me too.

Of course I added all the blogs I follow, which are in turn with bloglovin and I’ll add more. You are welcome!

Return to us for the receipe of  today I was inspired by the blog of “aria” blog that I like and I follow! She had in her post potato dumplings with arugula pesto,I decided to cook some pasta with this kind of pesto, by the way it’s also very practical, 5 minutes is already done! to you:

Pasta with arugula pesto
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Pasta with arugula pesto, first plate of pasta seasoned with fresh and tasty chopped arugula
Ricetta: First course
Cucina: Italian
  • 250g short pasta
  • 100 g of arugula
  • 30 g pine nuts
  • 20 of grana padano
  • extra virgin olive oil to taste
  • Salt to taste
  1. Wash and dry the arugula.
  2. Put in blender with pine nuts, a little salt, grain, and give a first pureed.
  3. Add the oil until it becomes a cream, as pesto.
  4. Cook pasta, drain and dress with this amazing pesto!

Pasta with arugula pesto image 1 Pasta with arugula pesto image 2 Pasta with arugula pesto image 3

Potatoes dumplings gratinated with cheese

Potatoes dumplings gratinated with cheese

It’s Thursday, … we make the gnocchi (potatoes dumlings)!

If you can knead them I don’t want …so I bought them.

Always thinking about recycling I gathered some cheese  and here is the recipe, Potatoes dumplings gratinated with cheese:

Potatoes dumplings gratinated with cheese
Tempo totale
Potatoes dumplings gratinated with cheese, recipe for preparing Potatoes dumplings gratinated gourmet, with Zucchini, Ham and cheese
Ricetta: First course
Cucina: Italian
  • 500 g gnocchi
  • 2 medium sized Zucchini
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 200 g seed fresh cheese, seasoned seeds or fresh (so that you can no longer see in the fridge) I have used taleggio and robiola cheese of buffalo milk.
  • 50 g ham (about 1 slice cut slightly high)
  • 50 ml milk
  • salt to taste
  • 20 g of grated cheese
  • 20 g breadcrumbs
  • Marjoram to taste
  • evo oil as required
  1. Cut Zucchini into chunks and fry them with a clove of garlic for about twenty minutes without adding too much water, so take good flavor.
  2. Meanwhile cut the cheese into small pieces, add the milk, put on the heat and continue to stir until it forms a custard. Finally add the Marjoram.
  3. Cut into small thin ham cubes
  4. At this point you throw the gnocchi in salted water and drain as they are afloat.
  5. Arrange in a baking dish with baking paper, pour over Zucchini with their cooking sauce and add the ham.
  6. Sprinkle with cheese and cream, stirring so that it mixes well with the dumplings, sprinkle with Parmesan and breadcrumbs and bake I usually put at 180° C for 15-minutes.
  7. Here's the dish is ready, even light enough I would say … 🙂

Potatoes dumplings gratinated with cheese image 1 Potatoes dumplings gratinated with cheese image 2

Celli stuffed a traditional dessert from Italian region Abruzzo

celli stuffed from abruzzo

This recipe is the recipe of my heart, recalls lovelymemories.

These are “tarallucci of Abruzzo” or in slang “gaggenette” have the scent of the Mediterranean that I will not never forget and that I really love. I remember when my grandmother, knowing my arrival for the summer holidays, bought a whole tray …. eh! Yes! my favorite desserts! I remember in the morning when I wake up, the scent of coffee go up the stairs and I  immediately slipped the costume just went down to the kitchen and here there waiting for the mythical orange thermos full of coffee ‘hot and sweet … so cilliprini’ I call them, cilliprini … (“celli stuffed” the jargon even so ‘) ..

I do not say the difficulty to find the grape jam, in the end I did it!

Celli stuffed a traditional dessert from Italian region Abruzzo
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Celli stuffed a traditional dessert from Italian region Abruzzo
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: Italian
  • 1 glass of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 glass of white wine
  • 450g. about of flour 00 ( the flour is put in theory that takes the dough , and these are Grandma's recipes ... they are to be taken so ' )
  • 250 g . jam grape juice ( " scrucchiate " in Abrruzzo slang )
  • 150 g . chopped almonds
  • 20 g . dark chocolate
  • a pinch of cinnamon
  • powdered sugar as much as necessity
  1. Put the wine into a bowl and mix the oil and add the flour like rain, the one you need, until it forms a smooth ball and homogeneous, not knead too much, you do not need and let it rest
  2. Meanwhile, prepare the filling: Toast the almonds have been chopped, mix together the legendary grape jam ( my aunts when they go down in Abruzzo I procure always a bit here and not equal .. but' that of CASA GIULIA and ' good ). Then add the chopped chocolate and a pinch of cinnamon.
  3. Roll out the dough too thin and not forming discs around 6 - 7cm in diameter -
  4. Fill them with a spoonful of filling and forming close torcetti .. ( see photo)
  5. Bake in the oven for 15 min. at 180 ° C, just begin to color immediately remove the dough should remain rather white .
  6. Sprinkle with powdered sugar to taste with sugar or regular white ... I like more with icing sugar ... fantastic freshly baked with a nice coffe

tarallucci abruzzesi tarallucci abruzzesi macrocelli stuffed from abruzzo

Coffee cake filled with chocolate

coffee cake filled with chocolate

Today once again is a rainy day. When  the days are so dull occasionally, I feel like make a cake . I wanted  to eat my famous coffee cake that I could not savor when I made it for an occasion last week.

Coffee Cake
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Coffee Cake, a delicious cake to eat while chatting
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: Italian
  • 250 g of flour
  • 1 packet of yeast
  • 2 cups of coffee'
  • 2 eggs
  • 120 g of sugar
  • a glass of milk
  • 90 g of butter
for the chocolate cream
  • 200 g of dark chocolate
  • 20 g of butter
  • 30 ml of milk
  1. Beat the eggs with the sugar.
  2. Add the butter and cups of coffee ' .
  3. At this point, stir in the flour to which has been added the yeast , stir well and add the cup of milk. If the dough is too solid , add some more milk or coffee ' at will until a thick paste.
  4. Put into a greased cake pan and bake for 30 minutes at 180 ° after which remove it from the oven and allow to cool , remove from the oven, cut in half ( two discs ) for the topping .
  5. Proceed to prepare the chocolate cream .
  6. Melt the chocolate with a little butter and milk over low heat , stirring…
  7. Then let cool and spread the cream on the first disk of cake close with the other disk, dust with icing sugar and serve.

coffee cake filled with chocolate