donna e casa ricette

Cookies olive oil with spelled flour

Hello!!! Today’s receipe is the one of cookies with olive oil.

A receipe that is good to do with alternative flour,like the spelled one.

Voila’ the receipe

Cookies olive oil with spelled flour
Tempo totale
Cookies olive oil with spelled flour, a healthy temptation
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: Italian
  • 280 g spelled flour
  • type 00 flour as needed for dusting
  • 1 egg
  • 110 g of brown sugar
  • just enough to sprinkle granulated sugar cookies
  • grated lemon rind
  • 70 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  1. Unire il lievito alla farina
  2. Aggiungere lo zucchero
  3. Fare la fontana, unire al centro l'uovo, l'olio, la scorza di limone ed impastare fino a formare un impasto omogeneo.
  4. Spianare l'impasto e ritagliare con le forme desiderate.
  5. Cuocere a 180°C per 12 minuti

Have a  good week end!

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