Plum cake persimmon and cocoa

Hello guys!  Today a fruit tipical of this season, the persimmon!

I’d like to thanking the person who gave me persimmoms!

Here the receipe:

Plum cake persimmon and cocoa
Tempo totale
Plum cake persimmon and cocoa, cake autumn with seasonal fruit
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: Italian
  • 3-4 persimmon pulp
  • 150 g of flour type 00
  • 25 g of potato starch
  • 25 g of cocoa
  • 90 g of cane sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 40 ml of oil
  • half a bag of yeast
  1. Blend the pulp of persimmon and set aside
  2. Sift the flour with the starch, cocoa and baking powder and set aside
  3. Separate the yolks from the whites
  4. Assemble the yolks with sugar
  5. Add oil and flour already joined the cocoa and starch.
  6. Finally add more than ¾ of the persimmon shake, take them aside some for decoration.
  7. Beat the egg whites until stiff and add them to the mixture, stirring from the bottom to the other not to remove the compound.
  8. Put the mixture into a cake tin lined with baking paper.
  9. Bake at 180 ° C for 40 minutes.
  10. Garnish with the chopped persimmon advanced.


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Plum cake cachi e cacao

plumcake cachi cacao photo 2

Cari amici, oggi tanto per cambiare un’altro dolce, ma non potevo perdere l’occasione di pubblicarlo dato gli ingredienti tipici di questo periodo.

Grazie ad una cospicua donazione di cachi, eccoli in versione dolce!

Tempo fa ne avevo fatto una marmellata, non c’era ancora il blog ai tempi, ma, a mio avviso, il caco in veste di marmellata non e’ il massimo, in questo plum cake abbinato al cacao e’ il top, soprattutto accompagnato dalla salsina (il frutto stesso frullato appunto).

Colgo l’occasione per ringraziare le persone gentili che mi hanno regalato questo goloso frutto.

Non vi preoccupate, prossimamente su questi schermi ci saranno ricette di risotti, zucca presente e anche polenta…!

A voi:

Plum cake cachi cacao
Tempo totale
Plum cake cachi e cacao, torta d'autunno con frutta di stagione
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: Italiana
  • Polpa di 3-4 cachi
  • 150 g di farina tipo 00
  • 25 g di fecola di patate
  • 25 g di cacao
  • 90 g di zucchero di canna
  • 2 uova
  • 40 ml di olio
  • mezza bustina di lievito di birra
  1. Frullare la polpa dei cachi e tenere da parte
  2. Setacciare la farina con la fecola, il cacao e il lievito e tenere da parte
  3. Separare i tuorli dagli albumi
  4. Montare bene i tuorli con lo zucchero
  5. Aggiungere l'olio e la farina gia' unita al cacao e fecola.
  6. Infine aggiungere piu' di ¾ del caco frullato, tenerne da parte un po' per la decorazione.
  7. Montare gli albumi a neve e unirli al composto mescolando dal basso verso l'altro per non smontare il composto.
  8. Versare il composto in uno stampo da plum cake foderato con carta da forno.
  9. Infornare a 180°C per 40 minuti.
  10. Decorare a piacere con la polpa di caco avanzata.

Ciao e Buona giornata!

plumcake cachi cacao plumcake cachi cacao photo 2 plumcake cachi cacao photo 3 plumcake cachi cacao photo 4

Blackberries cinnamon apple jam

Ciaoooo! How are you? … We very badly !! We are full of viruses that the child brings home … ahahha I console myself with sweets, which is why below we have published several sweet recipes!

Today a very good jam, the procedure is usually that the use, follow:

Blackberries cinnamon apple jam
Tempo totale
Blackberries cinnamon apple jam, marmalade aroma
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: Italian
  • 250 g of blackberries
  • 750 g apples like Fuji
  • 500 g of cane sugar
  • 1 glass of water
  • cinnamon to taste
  1. Wash, peel and cut the apples into small pieces.
  2. Wash the blackberries.
  3. Combine in a pot apples, blackberries and a glass of water.
  4. Bring to a boil, then add sugar to taste and sprinkle with cinnamon to taste.
  5. Cook for about half an hour until the mixture takes consistency and begins to thicken.
  6. Whisk jam if you want it more uniform.
  7. Potted in jars that you have been washed thoroughly and sterilized in the dishwasher.
  8. Close the jars and boil for about five minutes.
  9. Let them cool in their water to boil.


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Wholemeal cookies cottage cheese and red fruits

Here today an healthy receipe, without butter but with cottage cheese!

Voila’…it’s easy:

Wholemeal cookies cottage cheese and red fruits
Tempo totale
Wholemeal cookies cottage cheese and red fruits, good, light and healthy
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: Italian
  • 250 g of wheat flour
  • 90 g of cane sugar
  • 170g fresh cottage cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 20 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 80 g of dried red fruits
  1. Sift the flour, add the sugar and baking powder.
  2. Mix well, place a mound, make the hole in the middle.
  3. At this point, add in the center the egg, oil and cottage cheese.
  4. Mix everything and at the end incorporate red fruits.
  5. Form an homogeneous mixture.
  6. Roll out with a rolling pin height you want and cut the cookies.
  7. Place on baking sheet and bake at 180 degrees for 12-13 minutes.
  8. When they are slightly red, remove from oven, allow to cool.


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Apple clafoutis

The apple time is arrived!

Here a yummy apple sweet!

The dose is for a mold of 22-24 cm, I used single molds that are nicer.

Apple clafoutis
Tempo totale
Apple clafoutis with ginger and lemon, a good balance sour and sweet
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: Inglese
  • 50 g of flour type 00
  • 100 g of cane sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • Peel the zest of one lemon
  • About 3 apples
  • 250 ml of cream
  • ginger to taste
  1. Beat eggs with sugar, add the flour, cream, lemon zest and a sprinkle of ginger to taste.
  2. Mix well in order to achieve a homogeneous mixture.
  3. Grease a baking pan about 24cm in diameter and add the sliced ​​apple previously.
  4. Bake 40 minutes at 180 ° C approximately. Do the test stick.

Have a good break! See you!

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Clafoutis di mele, zenzero e limone

clafoutis di mele

E’ arrivato il tempo delle mele!

Mi incuriosiva questo dolce mai fatto, ora per la prima volta sul blog!

Ci e’ piaciuto moltissimo, soprattutto il suo retrogusto di “zenzero limonato”.

Penso proprio che lo ritroverete con altra frutta!

La dose e’ per uno stampo da 22-24 cm circa, io ho utilizzato degli stampini monoporzione, sono molto piu’ carini.

Voila’ the receipe:

Clafoutis di mele allo zenzero e limone
Tempo totale
Clafoutis di mele allo zenzero e limone, un ottimo equilibrio aspro e dolce
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: Italian
  • 50 g di farina tipo 00
  • 100 g di zucchero di canna
  • 2 uova
  • Buccia della scorza di un limone
  • 3 mele circa
  • 250 ml di panna
  • zenzero q.b.
  1. Sbattere le uova con lo zucchero fino a raggiungere un composto schiumoso e ben montato.
  2. Unire la farina, la panna, la scorza di limone grattugiata e una spolverata di zenzero a piacere, secondo il gusto.
  3. Mescolare bene fino a raggiungere un composto omogeneo.
  4. Imburrare una teglia da 24cm di diametro circa e aggiungere le mele precedentemente tagliate a fette.
  5. Infornare 40 minuti a 180°C circa. Fare la prova stecchetto.


Buona merenda!!!! See you

clafoutis di mele clafoutis di mele foto 2 clafoutis di mele foto 3

Basic recipe for “Pan di spagna”

This is my basic receipe to make “pan di spagna” that is the base for many sweets’ preparations!

Here the receipe:

Basic recipe for Sponge cake
Tempo totale
Basic recipe for sponge cake, very soft dough for pies
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: Italian
  • 6 eggs at room temperature
  • 180 g of sugar
  • 180 g of flour type 00
  • 1 packet of yeast
  1. Beat the eggs with 180 g of sugar for about 20 minutes with an electric mixer until the mixture is well mounted and beautiful swollen.
  2. At this point, add the yeast to the flour and sift it.
  3. Add the egg mixture to the flour and sugar, stirring with a spatula from the bottom up, taking care not to remove the compound.
  4. Put into a greased and floured baking pan, puting the mixture in the center.
  5. Bake at 180 ° C for about 30 minutes.
  6. To see if cooked do the toothpick test.


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Pumpkin and chocolate donut

Here a yummy sweet receipe with pumpkin , the queen of Halloween!

Pumpkin and chocolate donut
Tempo totale
Pumpkin and chocolate donut, sweet season
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: Italian
  • 300 g pumpkin flesh
  • 100 g of flour type 00
  • 100 g of wheat flour
  • 250 ml of cream
  • 2 eggs
  • 110 g of brown sugar
  • 100 g of dark chocolate
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  1. Whisk the cream with the pumpkin flesh previously steamed.
  2. Beat the egg yolks with the sugar.
  3. Whisk the album and keep aside.
  4. Sift the flour together with the packet of yeast.
  5. Combine the beaten egg yolks with the sugar pumpkin puree
  6. Subsequently add the flour and then the egg whites, stirring from the bottom upwards without removing the compound.
  7. Finally, add the coarsely chopped chocolate with the knife.
  8. Bake at 180 ° C for 35-40minuti


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Tart berries with oat flour

Hello to all my dear friends and Happy Sunday!

Today a recipe sweet but light.

A delicious tart with oat flour.

Lately I’m giving it to other flours, given that in recent times come disquisitions and information against the flour type 00 considered harmful and much more that I am not here to enumerate.

I think a little bit of everything does not hurt, much less the 00 flour, maybe some used more recently and mixed with the other.

I have to say that surely a snack industry is more harmful to a homemade cake with flour 00.

However, it is also good to use and switch between different flours less refined, as this oatmeal that has left the tart tastes really nice.

The only catch, if I do precisina, is that, being very rich in gluten, the tart is more crumbled, but it is worth to taste it because it’s really good.

The pastry is made with oil, and I used the brown sugar.

To you:

Tart berries with oat flour
Tempo totale
Tart berries with oatmeal, sweet cake and light alternative.
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: Italian
  • 100 g of flour type 00
  • 200 g of oat flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 100 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 50 g almonds
  • 110 g of sugar sugar cane
For the sauce with berries:
  • 125 g of raspberries, strawberries, blackberries and blueberries
  • 30 g of granulated sugar
  • water
For the filling:
  1. Wash the berries, put them in a pan with a little 'sugar and water and cook for about twenty minutes to thicken the sauce.
Meanwhile, make the pastry:
  1. Mix the ground almonds with the flour very fine
  2. Place the flour in the center combine the egg, egg yolk, sugar and oil.
  3. Knead to form a smooth paste.
  4. Finally pave ⅔ of the flour in a tart mold.
  5. Stuff pouring over the mixture of berries
  6. With the remaining dough to cover a pleasure decorating the surface.
  7. Bake at 180 ° g for 30 - 35 minutes Drive

bye bye!

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Sugar paste modeling

Hello everybody and Happy Monday!

As I mentioned in the previous post, today I show you a couple of creations made in the course of cake design that I affectionately gave my hubby! Too good!

Obviously there was a quid pro quo, and the course is a little advanced, but that’s okay, because something with the “PDZ do-it-yourself” I did.

I enjoy it a lot and the teacher is very good.

Place here the recipe to produce the pdz which is a bit different from the honey that I have already posted, in fact, the pasta is really the most malleable and moldable! It’ is perfect.

Sugar paste modeling
Tempo totale
Sugar paste modeling, method for preparing the dough sugar
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: American
  • 1 kg of powdered sugar
  • 170ml of glucose
  • 10 grams of gelatin
  • 16 ml glycerol
  • 70ml of water
  • 32 of butter
  1. Place in a saucepan the water and gelatin sheets for 10 minutes.
  2. When they are soaked and will have absorbed all the water, put the pot on the stove in a double boiler and melt completely.
  3. Add the sugar and continue to stir until the mixture turns out to be fluid and homogeneous, then add the glycerin and butter, being careful not to boil it.
  4. In a large bowl put ¾ of the powdered sugar and add the liquid mixture immediately.
  5. Operate the electric whisk for a few seconds and then gradually add the remaining sugar.
  6. Within a few minutes you will form a compact ball and sticky.
  7. Knead a little on the floor and if necessary, icing sugar.
  8. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap ready sugar and store in an airtight container at room temperature.
  9. It will keep up to 2 months.

If you want to make a sugar paste more useful for modelling you have to add one teaspoon of CMC per 250 g of sugar paste.

Bye Bye see you!

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Brownies chocolate almonds

brownies cioccolato mandorle

Brownies chocolate almonds, a delicious and  sweet  little portion!

Voila’ the receipe!

Brownies chocolate almonds
Tempo totale
Brownies chocolate almonds, a delicious sweet little portion
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: American
  • 150 g of dark chocolate
  • 175 g of butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 110 g of flour type 00
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder
  • 50 ml of milk
  • 125 g of sugar
  • 80 g almonds
  • sliced ​​almonds for garnish
  1. Melt the chocolate with the butter.
  2. Beat the eggs with the sugar and add them to the melted chocolate.
  3. Mix the flour with the cocoa and add the yeast.
  4. Pour the melted chocolate mixture to the flour and mix well.
  5. Add the milk and chopped almonds previously.
  6. Place the mixture in a roasting pan.
  7. Sprinkle with sliced ​​almonds.
  8. Bake at 180 degrees for 25 minutes.
  9. Serve cut into squares


brownies cioccolato mandorle brownies cioccolato mandorle photo3 brownies cioccolato mandorle photo 2

Biscotti all’olio di oliva con farina di farro

biscotti all'olio d'oliva

Oggi vi posto dei biscotti che ho fatto tempo fa con la mia piccola.

Sono biscottini semplici, una frolla all’olio che si presta bene ad esser fatta con farine alternative, come quella di farro.

E’ stata proprio una merendina super, che ripetero’ soprattutto nei freddi pomeriggi invernali.

Vi lascio alla ricetta dei biscotti all’olio con farina di farro:

4.5 from 2 reviews
Biscotti all'olio di oliva con farina di farro
Tempo totale
Biscotti all'olio di oliva con farina di farro, una salutare tentazione
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: Italiana
  • 250 g di farina di farro
  • farina tipo 00 q.b. per infarinare
  • 1 uovo
  • 110 g di zucchero di canna
  • zucchero semolato q.b. per spolverizzare i biscotti
  • scorza di limone grattugiata
  • 70 ml di olio evo
  • 1 cucchiaino di lievito per dolci
  • un goccio di latte per legare
  1. Unire il lievito alla farina
  2. Aggiungere lo zucchero
  3. Fare la fontana, unire al centro l'uovo, l'olio, la scorza di limone ed impastare fino a formare un impasto omogeneo, aggiungendo se necessario un goccio di latte.
  4. Spianare l'impasto e ritagliare con le forme desiderate.
  5. Cuocere a 180°C per 8-9 minuti

Buon week end a tutti!

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