donna e casa ricette

Rosti purple carrots

Hello Everybody, today it’ the daddy day, I take this opportunity to wish all the dads given that today was their party! I have not had time to prepare any sweet treat for the occasion, but the web was full of fantastic donuts that surely will try.

Me and my baby we gave dad a beautiful design!

Talking  of FOOD, today I will post a quick but tasty recipe with purple carrots . Yes, since I discovered them,I did not give up more and after doing these, I propose today in a rosti version.Delicious.:

Rosti purple carrots
Tempo totale
Rosti purple carrots, and particularly tasty.
Ricetta: Side dish
Cucina: Italian
  • 5 purple carrots
  • 2 tablespoons of flour
  • salt to taste
  • olive oil
  1. Wash and clean the carrots scratching the outside
  2. Grate and place in a bowl
  3. Season with salt and add a little flour
  4. Stir
  5. Heat oil in a frying pan as
  6. Moisten your hands and form small heaps round well with the carrots and cook them in very hot oil. turning them every so often
  7. Cook a little, about 5 minutes,they will soon reach the crispness and attention because they burn quickly
  8. Add salt to the surface
The doses are approximately two people and considering going like hot cakes tripled the dose!


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