donna e casa ricette

Cupcakes with philadelphia frosting

Hola! We’re back regenerated from a nice ride to the lake! Sometimes we want that relaxing!

Here a yummy dessert!

If you want the cupcakes’ receipe, I refer you here, since I’ve already done, what is new it’s frosting with philadelphia that I wanted to try.
Given the amazing result, it will be my favorite frosting! We love it!

Here is the recipe:

Cupcakes with frosting to philadelphia
Tempo totale
Cupcakes with frosting to philadelphia, a mountain of chocolate covered with soft white and cream
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: American
Serves: 6
  • 150 g Philadelphia
  • 50 g of icing sugar
  • 60 g of butter
[url:1] cupcakes rceipe [/url]
frosting receipe
  1. Soften the butter at room temperature
  2. Mix the icing sugar with philadelphia
  3. Add the butter and mix well until you get a cream consisting
  4. Place the mixture into a pastry bag and decorate as you desire.
The recommended dose is 6 cupcakes indicative, then it depends on the size, if you want a little mignon can become even 8 or 10.

Good weekend to everybody!

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