Torta vegana simil sbrisolona – gluten free

torta vegana simil sbrisolona

Ciao a tutti! E’ da un po’ che non scrivo, è un periodo un po’ impegnato, ma anche bello! Vi raccontero’….

Oggi posto la ricetta di un dolce che sa il fatto suo.

Sulla base della sbrisolona  ho creato una torta vegana e anche senza glutine, utilizzando la farina di riso e di mais, ho aggiunto le nocciole, il cioccolato fondente e la scorza d’arancia, il tutto unito da acqua e olio.

E’ venuta perfetta!

Attenzione utilizzate un farina di mais fioretto.

Ecco la ricetta :

Torta vegana simil sbrisolona - gluten free
Tempo totale
Torta simil sbrisolona, fatta con farina di riso e di mais, nocciole cioccolato acqua e olio, vegana e gluten free, piu' di cosi'!!
Ricetta: Dolce
Cucina: Italiana
  • 120 g di farina di mais fioretto
  • 120 g di farina di riso
  • 100 g di nocciole tagliate grossolanamente
  • 100 g di cioccolato fondente
  • scorza di un'arancia
  • 150 ml di acqua circa
  • 90 g di zucchero di canna
  • 80 ml di olo di semi o evo
  • 1 cucchiaino di lievito in polvere
  1. Unire le due farine in una ciotola, aggiungere lo zucchero , il cucchiaio di lievito, le nocciole tagliate a coltello grossolanamente, e il cioccolato tagliato al coltello.
  2. Unire la scorza di arancia e mescolare bene.
  3. A questo punto aggiungere l'acqua e l'olio, impastare fino ad ottenere un composto omogeneo , un po' appiccicoso
  4. Foderare una tortiera da 22 cm di diametro, stendere l'impasto , livellarlo bene e cuocere in forno a 170 ° per circa 50 minuti.
  5. Quando si raffreddera' avra' la consistenza perfetta di una sbrisolona

torta vegana simil sbrisolona

Fagottini di pere e taleggio

fagottini pera taleggio

Oggi una bella ricetta fatta con la farina macinata a pietra, i fagottini di pere, taleggio, pinoli e miele.

A mio avviso ottimi come antipasto ma anche come dessert!

L’impasto è stato fatto appunto con farina macinata a pietra, acqua e un filo di olio, facilissimo, veloce e con pochi ingredienti, che va a sostituire la pasta sfoglia gia’ pronta piena di grassi idrogenati e ben poco salutare.

Ultimamente sto utilizzando le farine macinate  a pietra, le ritengo molto piu’ salutari, meno costose del kamut , vengono bene sia i dolci che i lievitati e mia figlia apprezza.

Ecco la ricetta:


5.0 from 1 reviews
Fagottini di pere e taleggio
Tempo totale
Golosi fagottini fatti con farina macinata a pietra tipo 2, ripieni di pere, taleggio, pinoli con un tocco di miele, ideali per un antipasto sfizioso e anche per dessert
Ricetta: Aperitivo
Cucina: Italiana
Serves: 6
  • Per l'impasto :
  • 200 g di farina macinata a pietra tipo 2,
  • 100 ml di acqua naturale
  • 10 ml di olio evo
  • un pizzico di sale
  • Per il ripieno :
  • 1 pera
  • 50-60 g di taleggio a dadini
  • 20 g di pinoli a pezzettini
  • miele q.b.
  1. Impastare tutti gli ingredienti per la pasta : disporre la farina a fontana, unire un pizzico di sale, l'olio e l'acqua , formare un impasto omogeneo.
  2. Infarinare un piano di lavoro, stendere l'impasto fine fine, tagliarlo in 6 rettangoli ( se vi avanza un po' di impasto anche in qualcosa di piu', vedete voi)
  3. Riemipire ogni rettangolo con un po' di taleggio tagliato a dadini, pera, pinoli a pezzettini e per finire un filo di miele.
  4. Chiudere a mo i strudel, spennellare la superficie con il miele ed infornare a 200°C forno preriscaldato per circa 20minuti.

Ciao Ciao! 😉

fagottini pera taleggio


fagottini pera taleggio

Frolla di riso, ricetta gluten free

frolla di farina di riso

Dato i miei problemini con il glutine e le ricette salutiste homemade ho deciso di buttarmi anche sui dolci gluten free.

Ho visto che si puo’ spaziare molto, a partire dalla frolla , che, a mio avviso, è molto friabile, leggera e buonissima.

A voi la ricetta:

5.0 from 1 reviews
Frolla di riso, ricetta gluten free
Tempo totale
Frolla di riso gluten free, friabile, farcita con marmellata di frutta
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: Italiana
  • 250 g di farina di riso
  • 125 g di burro
  • 95 g di zucchero
  • 2 uova
  • marmellata o frutta a piacere
  1. Disporre la farina a fontana, unire lo zucchero, il burro a pezzetti e le due uova.
  2. Formare un impasto omogeneo e riporlo in frigorifero una mezz'oretta circa.
  3. Stendere ¾ della frolla, farcire con marmellata, spezzettare sulla superficie l'altro quarto, infornare a 180°C per 25 minuti circa

Buona merenda 😉


frolla di farina di riso

frolla di farina di riso

Torta caprese

torta caprese

Oggi iniziamo la settimana con un bel dolce…e che dolce.

Era da un po’ di tempo che la volevo fare ed ecco la torta caprese!

La ricetta l’ho presa da Giallo Zafferano, il sito ufficiale, l’unico ingrediente che ho messo in piu’ è un cucchiaio di cacao amaro.

Oltre ad essere un dolce golosissimo è adatto anche ai celiaci.

Questa torta risulta bassa, ideale sarebbe un stampo semplice da crostata; in foto la vedete un pochino piu’ alta perchè mi sono ostinata a voler utilizzare uno stampo a cuore, leggermente piu’ piccolo.

Voila’ la torta caprese:

Torta caprese
Tempo totale
dolcissima torta caprese, fatta di uova cioccolato e mandorle senza farina, gluten free
Ricetta: Dolce
Cucina: Italiana
  • 300 g di mandorle
  • 5 uova
  • 200 g di cioccolato fondente
  • 250 g di burro
  • 1 cucchiaio di cacao amaro
  • 200 g di zucchero
  1. Tostare le mandorle e tritarle.
  2. Sciogliere a bagnomaria il cioccolato fondente e far raffreddare.
  3. Montare i tuorli con meta' dello zucchero e il burro ammorbidito
  4. Montare gli albumi con l'altra meta' dello zucchero.
  5. Unire le mandorle tritate e il cioccolato al composto di uova zucchero e burro.
  6. Aggiungere il cacao amaro
  7. Unire gli albumi montati e mescolare dal basso verso l'altro.
  8. Imburrare una teglia da 25 cm di diametro circa (ideale quello per crostata)
  9. Cuocere 45 minuti a 180°C a forno preriscaldato
La superficie tendera' un po' a creparsi, il tempo di cottura è relativo in base al forno, dopo i 40 minuti fate sempre la prova stecchetto, quando risultera' asciutto la torta sara' pronta, non esitate a toglierla.


Buon dessert! Alla prossima!

torta caprese


torta caprese


torta caprese

Cookies olive oil with spelled flour

Hello!!! Today’s receipe is the one of cookies with olive oil.

A receipe that is good to do with alternative flour,like the spelled one.

Voila’ the receipe

Cookies olive oil with spelled flour
Tempo totale
Cookies olive oil with spelled flour, a healthy temptation
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: Italian
  • 280 g spelled flour
  • type 00 flour as needed for dusting
  • 1 egg
  • 110 g of brown sugar
  • just enough to sprinkle granulated sugar cookies
  • grated lemon rind
  • 70 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  1. Unire il lievito alla farina
  2. Aggiungere lo zucchero
  3. Fare la fontana, unire al centro l'uovo, l'olio, la scorza di limone ed impastare fino a formare un impasto omogeneo.
  4. Spianare l'impasto e ritagliare con le forme desiderate.
  5. Cuocere a 180°C per 12 minuti

Have a  good week end!

Cookies olive oil with spelled flour Cookies olive oil with spelled flour photo 3 Cookies olive oil with spelled flour photo 2

Cupcakes with philadelphia frosting

Hola! We’re back regenerated from a nice ride to the lake! Sometimes we want that relaxing!

Here a yummy dessert!

If you want the cupcakes’ receipe, I refer you here, since I’ve already done, what is new it’s frosting with philadelphia that I wanted to try.
Given the amazing result, it will be my favorite frosting! We love it!

Here is the recipe:

Cupcakes with frosting to philadelphia
Tempo totale
Cupcakes with frosting to philadelphia, a mountain of chocolate covered with soft white and cream
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: American
Serves: 6
  • 150 g Philadelphia
  • 50 g of icing sugar
  • 60 g of butter
[url:1] cupcakes rceipe [/url]
frosting receipe
  1. Soften the butter at room temperature
  2. Mix the icing sugar with philadelphia
  3. Add the butter and mix well until you get a cream consisting
  4. Place the mixture into a pastry bag and decorate as you desire.
The recommended dose is 6 cupcakes indicative, then it depends on the size, if you want a little mignon can become even 8 or 10.

Good weekend to everybody!

cup cakes frosting philadelphia photo 3 cup cakes frosting philadelphia photo 2 cup cakes frostin philadelphia

Coffee ice cream with chocolate drops

Hello!! I’m back here to post another ice cream! I’m really satisfied, I think you’ll see a lot!

This version is coffee with chocolate drops .. mmm .. very yummy!

Coffee ice cream with chocolate drops
Tempo totale
Coffee ice cream with chocolate drops, for coffee lovers
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: Italian
  • 260 ml of milk
  • 250 ml of fresh cream
  • 70 ml of coffee from Mocha
  • 100 g of powdered sugar
  • 50 g of chocolate drops
  1. Whip the cream stops
  2. Combine the icing sugar.
  3. Combine the milk and coffee making sure not to remove the compound
  4. Place in freezer and stir with a whisk every hour so 'to break up the ice crystals.
  5. After the third time mixing, when the mixture begins to harden, then add the chocolate chips.
  6. Mix well and keep in the freezer for two more hours.

A cool hello to everybody!

Coffee ice cream with chocolate drops photo 2 Coffee ice cream with chocolate drops


Mango ice cream recipe without eggs

mango ice-cream

Hola!! It’s summer time and it’s time to ice cream!

And then mango ice cream, homemade without eggs and without machine for ice cream!

What’s better than a bit of fresh ice cream in the evening or afternoon snack!

Most of us do not have the ice cream maker, signed the same, but the desire to make the ice cream was too strong for me, so I read up and found out that it’s not an hard-working, just keep it in the freezer as long as necessary mixing every hour so as to break the ice crystals.

In five hours is ready to be enjoyed.

Certainly with the ice cream is made first, but with a little organization can also be done with this method.

In addition, the recipe does not use eggs, so I think it is lighter and more secure.

Here’s the procedure:

Mango ice cream recipe without eggs
Tempo totale
mango ice cream recipe without eggs to make ice cream at home without a machine for ice cream
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: Italian
  • A small mango pulp
  • 300 ml of milk
  • 250 ml of cream
  • 6 tablespoons of sugar
  1. Peel and cut into small pieces ripe avocado, being careful not to lose the juice.
  2. Place in the bowl of the blender with the sugar, milk and half the cream (125ml)
  3. Blend all the ingredients.
  4. Install the remaining cream and add to the mixture obtained.
  5. Place the mixture in a convenient tray with lid if possible, to be able to take off and put in the freezer several times.
  6. Every hour mix with a wooden spoon ice cream that will be formed so as to remove the ice crystals. After 5 hours it will be ready!

The dose is about 500 g of ice cream.

Great to enjoy with chocolate chips and cookie built!

See you next time!

mango ice-cream photo 2 mango ice-cream mango ice-cream photo 3

Plum cake with cherries! light receipe

Hello! How are you!!! This is very hot!!!! So the idea is to do a light receipe, very  yummy also for people on diet!

plum cake with cherries light vegan
Tempo totale
plum cake with cherries light vegan, even without egg and butter is a goodness
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: Italian
  • 250 g of wheat flour
  • 200 g cottage cheese
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 70 ml of milk
  • 30 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • half a bag of powdered sugar
  • 300 g of cherries already 'pitted
  • lemon juice
  1. Wash and stone the cherries and soak them for half an hour with a little sugar and lemon juice.
  2. Mount the cottage cheese with the sugar, add the milk, oil and flour.
  3. Add cherries and cook at 180°C for 35 minutes


plum cake with cherries light vegan plum cake with cherries light vegan plum cake with cherries light vegan photo 2

Sponge cake with orange

IIt’s lot of time that I wanted to make this cake soft and fluffy with orange.

One day, walking through the center to go to the bakery, I met this cute lady who taught me how to do pastiera … I stopped her and thanked her, telling her that this year I did very well pastiera .

She told me to make another cake that she makes to her grandchildren and they really like it.It’s with  orange juice … gave me two directions and in my own way I’ve played.

She was good good good and fragrant! Great for breakfast and for a healthy snack.

I used the sponge cake dough by adding the juice and zest of one orange, plus the vial of orange blossom. I assure you that there was a smell in the house as if you were still doing the pastiera.

Here is the cake with orange daisy:

Sponge cake with orange
Tempo totale
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: Italian
  • 125 g of flour type 00
  • 125 g of potato starch
  • 100 g of butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 150 g of sugar
  • Juice of one orange
  • orange zest
  • a vial of orange flowers
  • 50 ml of milk
  • 1 packet of yeast
  1. Melt the butter to room temperature and whisk with the sugar until it forms a paste.
  2. Divide the egg yolks from the whites and whip them.
  3. Stir in one egg at a time and mix well to cream butter and sugar.
  4. Combine the flour with the starch .
  5. Add the orange juice, the vial and flour .
  6. Mix well and then add the egg whites from the bottom up to not remove the dough .
  7. Add the milk , orange zest and baking powder .
  8. Stir well from the bottom upwards
  9. Grease a cake tin (or line it with baking paper ) and bake at 180 ° C for 25 minutes.
  10. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
If you have not at home the vial of orange flowers, you can not put it, will still have the taste of orange juice given by.

Bye bye!

Sponge cake with orange photo2 Sponge cake with orange Sponge cake with orange

A Mother’s Heart covered in chocolate

With this post I would like to wish all mothers in the world and also to those flown in the sky, since this cake was given me by my dearest aunt, just flying in the sky, when I was pregnant with my daughter.

In fact it is a dessert that you could see in the bakeries of Abruzzo, on the occasion of Easter and Mother’s Day.  I interpreted it a little, because the original recipe don’t have it, I just know that there’s the chocolate dough into small pieces and almonds, so I remade found a recipe in a cookbook that I seemed to fit, I joined the chocolate mixture and almonds and then I covered the surface of chocolate.

When I tasted it, I was surprised because the result was exactly what I hoped : the taste and the interior is exactly like the one true mother’s heart!

A Mother's Heart covered in chocolate
Tempo totale
A Mother's Heart covered in chocolate, soft and warm like a mother.
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: Italian
  • 150 g of flour type 00
  • 120 g of sugar
  • half a bag of baking powder
  • 70 g of melted butters
  • 3 eggs
  • 60 g almonds
  • 80 g of dark chocolate
For the frosting:
  • 200 g of dark chocolate
  • 40 g of butter
  1. Chop the chocolate with almonds.
  2. Beat eggs with sugar
  3. Combine the melted butter, flour combined with baking powder, almonds and chocolate
  4. Mix well.
  5. If necessary, add a little milk to soften the dough.
  6. Grease the baking pan
  7. Bake at 180 ° C for 25 minutes
Prepare the frosting:
  1. Melt the chocolate with the butter over low heat, then cover the cake with icing.

Best wishes to all mothers in the world!

A Mother's Heart covered in chocolate A Mother's Heart covered in chocolate photo 5 A Mother's Heart covered in chocolate photo 2 A Mother's Heart covered in chocolate photo 4

Sweet Muffin with zucchini

Today is raining angain..uff..

Today’s receipe is of my cousin, it’s nice and children like this!

Sweet Muffin with zucchini
Tempo totale
Sweet Muffin with zucchini, tenderly natural and good for childrens
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: Italian
Serves: 10
  • 150 g zucchini
  • 150 g of flour type 00
  • 50 g walnuts
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 80 g of butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut grated
  • 3 teaspoons of cinnamon powder
  • half a bag of baking powder
  1. Wash and cut the zucchini into thin strips or those who prefer grater
  2. Mix the yeast with the flour, cinnamon, nuts have been chopped finely and coconut grated
  3. In a bowl, cream the butter with the sugar and add the egg yolks, more work
  4. Beat egg whites until stiff and fold into the mixture of butter and sugar
  5. Combine the flour mixed with the dry ingredients and finally add the courgettes.
  6. Put into molds previously buttered and floured (if they are not in need of silicone)
  7. If the mixture is too dry stretch with a dash of milk.
  8. Bake at 175 ° C for 25 minutes, leaving a small bowl of water in the oven so as not to dry the cakes trope.

The indicative dose is 10 or 12 muffins, depends on the forms.


Sweet Muffin with zucchini photo 3 Sweet Muffin with zucchini photo 2 Sweet Muffin with zucchini