Spelled flatbread with mozzarella

Spelled flatbread with mozzarella

Day has passed, how did you spend the weekend? We’ve brought the child to the petting zoo , we had a blast and the little girl is finally rising about the Dear pony ! She really wanted to go up as well on the horses ! hahaha … Sometimes we want these days ! .

Talking about food , sometimes we have dinner on the small table , just like the previous time where I made  delicious flatbread with herbs . (See here)

The other night , I prepared for the occasion panmozzarella by Luca Montersino, seen on the web, a recipe that has amazing mozzarella dough. By adapting the recipe to my personal taste , I thought we would give some tasty flatbread pan mozzarella .

I made ​​some small changes to the original recipe that did not spoil the result , I didn’t put the dough in the fridge and I made double rise.

Here you are the flatbread pan mozzarella spelled with sesame seeds and poppy :

Spelled flatbread with mozzarella
Tempo totale
spelled flatbread with mozzarella with sesame seeds and poppy, fragrant and light to eat them all
Ricetta: Appetiser
Cucina: Italian
  • 300 g spelled flour
  • semolina enough for the pastry
  • 120 ml of milk
  • 6 g of yeast (about one third of the cube)
  • 30 g of butter
  • 1 mozzarella 125 g
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • extra virgin olive oil to taste
  • sesame seeds and poppy seeds for garnish
  • coarse salt to taste to the surface
  1. Combine the flour, salt and sugar and place in a fountain.
  2. Dissolve the yeast in a little warm milk and put it in the center of the fountain.
  3. Combine mozzarella in the center previously crushed and pulped to loose remaining water.
  4. Also add butter into small pieces and brought to room temperature.
  5. Combine the remaining milk and mix. Form a homogeneous mixture, flouring from time to time with semolina.
  6. Let rise in warm place for 3-4 hours.
  7. After that wet your hands and flatten the dough with oil.
  8. With a glass forming disks that are arranged in a row on the baking sheet.
  9. Let them rise again for another hour.
  10. Then again with wet hands for oil, mash them lightly with your fingertips making small little holes, sprinkle with sesame and poppy seeds and bake at 200 ° C for 215 minutes approximately.

This dose will be about 10-15, depending on the size that you want to give.

I was thinking  to freeze some, however it was not possible!

Their  fragrance is amazing! ciaoooo

Spelled flatbread with mozzarella image 1 Spelled flatbread with mozzarella image 2 Spelled flatbread with mozzarella image 3

Focaccine alle erbette

focaccine alle erbette imma3

Come vi avevo anticipato nel post precedente, ieri abbiamo mangiato in una maniera un po’ insolita! E’ gia’ la seconda volta che lo facciamo con Romina e lei diventa matta perche’ e’ una novita’.

Mangiamo seduti sui cuscini, come fanno gli indiani ahahah, apprecchio per bene il tavolino, il nostro e’ anche molto basso, quindi per questo genere di cose  e’molto comodo, una bella candela al centro e via.

Lo facevamo spesso da sposini, quindi ogni tanto ci piace rifarlo….

Percio’ insieme alle magnifiche chips di carote viola c’erano anche delle fantastiche focaccine alle erbette che abbiamo accompagnato con mortadella, salumi e  un bel bicchiere di vino rosso ! Il massimo della vita!

Ecco la ricetta delle focaccine alle erbette:

5.0 from 1 reviews
Focaccine alle erbette
Tempo totale
Focaccine alle erbette, un alternativa al solito pane per accompagnare il pasto
Ricetta: Appetiser
Cucina: Italiana
  • 150 g di semola rimacinata
  • 150 g di farina 00
  • 150 ml di latte
  • 20 ml di olio evo
  • 1 cucchiaino di sale scarso
  • 1 cucchiaino di zucchero
  • mezza bustina di lievito di birra secco
  • sale grosso
  • olio evo q.b. per spennellare
  • erbe aromatiche q.b. (rosmarino, origano, maggiorana, salvia)
  1. Unire le due farine e mescolarle con il cucchiaino di zucchero e il sale
  2. Sciogliere il lievito nel latte tiepido
  3. Disporre a fontana la farina, versare al centro il latte con il lievito sciolto, cominciare ad impastare e aggiungere l'olio. Formare un impasto liscio ed omogeneo e farlo lievitare per 3-4- ore fino al raddoppio del volume.
  4. A questo punto prendere l'impasto e con le mani bagnate di olio stenderlo come facciamo con la pizza.
  5. Con l'aiuto di in bicchiere ricavare dei cerchi che disporremo sulla placca da forno.
  6. Portare alla seconda lievitazione per almeno 1 ora
  7. Dopo di che riprenderle e pigiarle ricavando delle simpatiche gobbe.
  8. Tritare le erbette, spennellare di olio la superficie, aggiungere qualche granello di sale grosso e infornarle a 200°C per 15 minuti.

Questa e’ la dose per circa una decina di focaccine.

Note:  io ho utilizzato un lievito che mi e’ nuovo ma non mi fa diventare matta, infatti consiglio il lievito di birra o meglio p.m.

Siccome mio marito mi vuole bene e quando nella lista della spesa aggiungo di comprare il lievito per dolci perche’ l’ho finito, lui ovviamente compra quello per la  pizza, fa niente se sulla confezione c’e’ una mega focacciona quasi piu’ grande della carta! ahahhah Cosi’ ho in casa questo lievito che alla fine utilizzero’!

Ciao ciaoooo

focaccine alle erbette focaccine alle erbette imma5 focaccine alle erbette imma4 focaccine alle erbette imma3 focaccine alle erbette imma2

Grissini home made

grissini fatti in casa da vicino

Come ve la passate? Qui tutto tranquillo! Fra un po’ e’ Carnevale!!

Oggi pero’ non propongo nulla di Carnevalesco, fra un po’ ci saranno le frittelle, comunque non vi deludero’ 🙂

Oggi posto la ricetta dei grissini! Li ho fatti con l’avanzo della pasta del pane e saranno spiegati semplicemente:

5.0 from 1 reviews
Grissini home made
Tempo totale
Grissini home made, fatti in casa con impasto di pane o pizza
Ricetta: Appetiser
Cucina: Italiana
  • Impasto di pasta per pane o pizza giunto al termine della lievitazione
  • olio evo
  • sale grosso se si desidera
  1. Appiattire la pasta e tirarla con il mattarello.
  2. Ricavarne delle strisce e arrotolarle
  3. Spennallare di olio e cospargere con sale grosso
  4. Cuocere per 20minuti a 180°C



grissini fatti in casa grissini fatti in casa da vicino grissini fatti in casa con pane

Marmellata di arance

marmellata di arance primo piano

Finalmente ho fatto un po’ di scorta delle mie marmellate immancabili in dispensa. A me piace molto a colazione, dato che e’ ancora la stagione delle arance e non l’avevo mai fatta, ho provato l’esperimento ed e’ riuscito.

Una marmellata squisita dal gusto aromatizzato e accentuato dalle scorze.

Per questo devo ringraziare ancora Paola, cugina di mio marito.

Infatti ho chiesto in primis a lei, dato che nel web c’erano svariate maniere di farla.

Lei in famiglia e’ l’unica che prepara le marmellate, le ha sempre fatte soprattutto quando aveva i bambini piu’ piccoli.

Quindi ho seguito le indicazioni , togliendo la scorza e tenendola da parte, stando bene attenta a togliere bene tutta la parte bianca che altrimenti darebbe l’amaro.

Ecco la marmellata di arance :

5.0 from 1 reviews
Marmellata di arance
Tempo totale
Marmellata di arance, fatta con le arance al naturale di stagione
Ricetta: Appetiser
Cucina: Italiana
  • 1,2 Kg di arance assolutamente al naturale e di ottima qualita'(peso dell'arancia intera)
  • 500 g di zucchero
  • Succo di un'arancia
  • 1 bicchiere di acqua
  1. Lavare accuratamente le arance, pelarle con pelapatate e tenere da parte la scorza
  2. Tagliare tutta la parte bianca con un coltello di modo da eliminare tutta la buccia e anche i filamenti interni che si tolgono tagliandoa meta' il frutto.
  3. Tagliare a pezzettini la polpa e metterla in una pentola insieme alla scorza, la spremuta di un'arancia e il bicchiere di acqua.
  4. Portare a bollore e dopo 5 minuti aggiungere lo zucchero.
  5. Mescolare spesso e far cuocere la marmellata quasi 2 ore.Versarla nei vasetti sterilizzati, chiuderli molto bene e farli bollire per 5 minuti.
  6. Farli raffreddare nell'acqua di bollitura.

Per farla ho utilizzato il mio solito metodo, da cui non mi separo, visto che non mi ha mai dato problemi.

Mi interessano anche le altre diverse preparazioni della marmellata di arance, penso che l’anno prossimo le provero’.

Un salutone a tutti!

marmellata di arance spalmata marmellata di arance primo piano marmellata di arance in vasetto marmellata di arance

Savory Crampets with potatoes peel

Savory pancakes with potato peel

Today’s recipe is a little full of carnival, as we make the Crampets. These  are a little different, first of all because they are with salt and potato peel.

I know that the web revolves recipes with potato peel, but that one could use in the kitchen know long. One day a few years ago, entering the house of my mother-in-law at lunchtime, I see her  handling these peels asked her “Do you cook it”??? She had just fried like potato chips, today I propose in the batter: Savory pancakes with potatoes peel

Savory pancakes with potatoes peel
Tempo totale
Savory pancakes with peel potatoes, a side dish or appetizer for the poor that is enjoyed by all
Ricetta: Appetiser
Cucina: Italian
  • Peel 5 medium potatoes
  • 1 egg
  • 6 tablespoons of flour
  • milk as much as necessary
  • a pinch of salt
  • nutmeg as much as necessary
  • olive oil
  1. Wash thoroughly with baking potatoes, peel the skin leaving a little thick, so that there is still a bit of potato attached.
  2. Prepare the batter with egg and flour, adding a little milk at a time until you have a compound rather dense.
  3. Add salt a little and add a pinch of nutmeg.
  4. Heat a little olive oil, dip the peels in the batter and place in pan. Turn over after two minutes and drain them when they become beautiful red.
  5. Add salt to taste and eat them hot immediately

The portion is for 4 people, but if you’re fond of two fairies out! ciaoooooo

Savory pancakes with potato peel 1 Savory pancakes with potato peel 2 Savory pancakes with potato peel 3

Little Baskets of puff pastry cauliflower and smoked cheese

Baskets of puff pastry cauliflower and smoked cheese

How are you? here quite well ! I give the STOP to desserts and plenty of space to  “normal” kitchen, as you can see . We have a house full of panettone to finish , biscuits and chocolates galore … aiutoooo ! In the blog there will be more ‘ light recipes , I promise!

Another recipe with puff pastry. It was made ​​with puff pastry, cauliflower and smoked cheese.

Baskets of puff pastry cauliflower and smoked cheese
Tempo totale
Baskets of puff pastry cauliflower and smoked cheese, easy appetizer or side receipe light and delicate.
Ricetta: Appetiser
Cucina: Italian
  • a roll of puff pastry
  • half boiled cauliflower
  • 6 slices of smoked cheese
  1. Clean and cut cauliflower
  2. Blanch twenty minutes in salted water
  3. Cut the puff pastry with which we are going to cover the molds for muffins
  4. Drizzle with a little oil half 'of cooked cauliflower
  5. Put it in the baskets of pastry crushing it a bit with a fork and break up over the scamorza
  6. inform at 200 ° C for 15 minutes.


Baskets of puff pastry cauliflower and smoked cheese

basket cauliflower and scamorza perspective basket cauliflower and scamorza tris

hot appetizer of sea

hot appetizer of sea with tosted bread

We are running out ! Just a few days to Christmas ! Are you ready ? Today I propose a recipe  that we always do at New Year’s Eve when we have guests, but also just for us!It  was a discovery of my husband, he invented it . He decided to put it all in a pan over high heat and then He completely forgot it ,he  opened the bottle , he chatted with guests , he’s’ gone around the house and who has edited this appetizer . ? ? myself of course! hahaha … He tenderly calls it “little appetizer ” of warm sea, here it is: hot appetizer of sea.

hot appetizer of sea
Tempo totale
hot appetizer of sea, to start with the taste of the sea in the mouth
Ricetta: Appetiser
Cucina: Italian
  • 250 g of squid rings
  • 250 g shrimp
  • 250 g of cuttlefish
  • 350 g of tomato puree
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 onion
  • parsley as much as necessary
  • chili as much as necessary
  • a basil leaf
  • salt as much as necessary
  1. Sauté with a little olive oil a clove of garlic and sliced onion .
  2. Then add the tomato puree , salt , add a basil leaf and a pinch of red pepper ( fresh is best ) in this case it is good to cook it with the garlic and onion .
  3. Cook the sauce for 30 minutes on low heat making it shrink a little .
  4. At this point, add the fish previously cleaned and rinsed under running water.
  5. Sprinkle with parsley , season with salt and deglaze with white wine.
  6. Cook for 20-25 minutes to form a creamy sauce , if necessary , during cooking , stretch with a drop of water or vegetable broth better.
  7. At this point we're ready! Serve on toasted bread.

Today in my parents’ house I found a little book of jokes!.One joke a  day keeps the doctor away (well and truly’ apple pear ‘does nothing) … hahaha
This booklet found out my daughter, took us to Picasso. I liked it so much that I decided to take him home.
ahahha …. I greet you now, I’m going to read some jokes! there are beautiful! byebye and Happy Sunday!

antipasto di mare caldo antipasto di mare caldo impiattato antipasto di mare caldo con crostino

Little basket of bresaola carpaccio with parmesan and fennel

Basket of bresaola carpaccio with parmesan and fennel

Here’s a dish that could be part of an Christmas appetizer: a basket of dried beef carpaccio with parmesan and fennel and generous shavings of grana padano, voilà:

Basket of bresaola carpaccio with parmesan and fennel
Tempo totale
Basket of bresaola carpaccio with parmesan and fennel, Tasty and particularly enriched with fennel.
Ricetta: Appetiser
Cucina: Italian
for the basket of grain:
  • 80 g of grated cheese
  • fennel sliced
  • 3 slices of bresaola
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • grana padano cheese
  • pepper as much as necessity
  1. Preheat a non-stick pan, sprinkle the base with grated cheese and wait for a minute to melt and combine.
  2. Lift the edges and remove from the heat, immediately place it upside down on a bowl and let it cool.
  3. Meanwhile, cut and serve with a drizzle of olive oil fennel and dried beef.
  4. Take out the trash, lean over rosettes of bresaola, and beautify healthy alongside the fennel and shaved parmesan cheese.
  5. Sprinkle with pepper and serve.


Basket of bresaola carpaccio with parmesan and fennel Basket of bresaola carpaccio with parmesan and fennel Basket of bresaola carpaccio with parmesan and fennel  side up Basket of bresaola carpaccio with parmesan and fennel distributing

Voulevant stuffed with cream of mushroom

Voulevant stuffed with cream of mushroomi

Here I am with my custom voulevant!! I know that I will open a special address book so much I love them.

We are also the perfect Christmas theme, because they are great to be presented with a small appetizer.The version that I propose today is the cream of mushroom!

Voulevant stuffed with cream of mushroom
Tempo totale
Voulevant stuffed with cream of mushroom. The flavor of the wood, creamy and warm
Ricetta: Appetiser
Cucina: Italian
  1. Sauté the chopped shallots and garlic with a little oil, add the mushrooms, sprinkle with parsley and a pinch of salt, cook for half an hour sfumandoli with white wine.
  2. When cooked, blend them in a blender with the cream.
  3. Bake in preheated oven voulevant at 200 ° C for 10 minutes and fill them with mushrooms cream, Sprinkle with marjoram
  4. Serve with the creamy sauce is still warm

So tired! Today full day with the housework! The frenzy of these festivals is a little disorienting me .. well …. a salute to all those who pass by here and Good Sunday

Voulevant stuffed with cream of mushroom Voulevant stuffed with cream of mushroom image 2 Voulevant stuffed with cream of mushroom image 3 Voulevant stuffed with cream of mushroom image 4

Voulevant with four cheeses

Voulevant with four cheeses

Hola! Want a drink?!! What we eat together?? no chips eh!! quite a few voulevant with four cheeses:

Voulevant with four cheeses
Tempo totale
Preparation of voulevant with 4 cheeses. Filled with tasty cream cheese
Ricetta: Appetiser
Cucina: Italian
  • Half a roll of puff pastry
  • 40 g taleggio
  • 40 g zola
  • 40 g of cheese
  • 40 g. ricotta
  • 40 g of butter or milk
  • 1 pinch diorigano
  1. Prepare the puff pastry baskets following the method of home that you can see explained in this post, how to make the base of vouelvant at home:
  2. Voulevant the Brush with beaten egg and bake at 200 ° C for 15 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, cut the cheese into cubes and melt them in a saucepan with a little 'butter, stirring vigorously until they are composed of a single ..
  4. Fill them with cream cheese and add some oregano or spices to taste.

You can use any cheese you want! They are great!



Voulevant with four cheeses sequence

Voulevant with four cheeses

Voulevant with four cheeses

Finger food three colors

Finger food three colors

Because it’s hot and no one use the oven and you eat more and more willingly cool stuff, here is a very simple recipe, but, in my opinion, tasty, finger food tricolor.

Since shorts are all the rage .. and let them .. nooo ….

I have made with what I had in the house, that is,  tomatoes  by a friend of ours .. (holy) because those who generously gave me. Vegetables from garden are holy!

Here’s what came out:

Finger food three colors
Tempo totale
Finger food three colors, They are great as an appetizer
Ricetta: Appetiser
Cucina: Italian
  • half eggplant
  • oregano to taste
  • 2 ripe tomatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • 100g goat's cheese, cottage cheese, or as an alternative growth
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt to taste
For the cream of eggplant:
  1. boil an eggplant in salted water, drain and shake it with a dash of olive oil and oregano,
For the tomato soup:
  1. Blanch the tomatoes and peel them.
  2. you make a browning sauce with a drizzle of garlic oil, onion and carrot finely chopped.
  3. Chop the tomatoes and cook in pan, add two basil leaves and season with salt.
  4. let cook for an hour, then blend it all with the minipinner.
Now you compose your shots:
  1. a layer of eggplant, a layer of goat cheese and a layer of tomato ...
  2. Garnish with cherry tomatoes and you're done!
With these doses will come from several shorts type rum or tequila bum bum. The number of servings depends on the size of what they used to serve. (do you)

They are great as an appetizer!!!

Finger food three colors Finger food three colors 2 Finger food three colors in line