donna e casa ricette

Chocolates extra dark with smarties

There is still time for the diet, but a little sin you can do for the Epiphany.

Tomorrow diet! I swear!

These are the chocolates that I wanted to do to celebrate the Epiphany.

If you would like them with color and with more varied tastes like smarties more pronounced, you can melt them into small pieces in chocolate, or as I did, simply insert them into the mold whole or in a half (It depends on the size of the molds).

Comfortable the molds silicone.


Chocolates extra dark with smarties
Tempo totale
Chocolates extra dark with smarties, for kids and big
Ricetta: Dessert
Cucina: Italian
  • 200 g of dark chocolate
  • 15-20 g of smarties
  1. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler
  2. Take the molds, also fine the ones for ice.
  3. Put a first layer of chocolate.
  4. Add smarties cut in half or whole, depends on the size of the molds.
  5. Cover with chocolate and level.
  6. Chill at least 3-4 hours
  7. Turn out the chocolates.

The dose and ‘for about 12-15 chocolates!

Still Happy Epiphany to everybody!

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