Rosti purple carrots

Rosti purple carrots

Hello Everybody, today it’ the daddy day, I take this opportunity to wish all the dads given that today was their party! I have not had time to prepare any sweet treat for the occasion, but the web was full of fantastic donuts that surely will try.

Me and my baby we gave dad a beautiful design!

Talking  of FOOD, today I will post a quick but tasty recipe with purple carrots . Yes, since I discovered them,I did not give up more and after doing these, I propose today in a rosti version.Delicious.:

Rosti purple carrots
Tempo totale
Rosti purple carrots, and particularly tasty.
Ricetta: Side dish
Cucina: Italian
  • 5 purple carrots
  • 2 tablespoons of flour
  • salt to taste
  • olive oil
  1. Wash and clean the carrots scratching the outside
  2. Grate and place in a bowl
  3. Season with salt and add a little flour
  4. Stir
  5. Heat oil in a frying pan as
  6. Moisten your hands and form small heaps round well with the carrots and cook them in very hot oil. turning them every so often
  7. Cook a little, about 5 minutes,they will soon reach the crispness and attention because they burn quickly
  8. Add salt to the surface
The doses are approximately two people and considering going like hot cakes tripled the dose!


Rosti purple carrots photo 1 Rosti purple carrots photo 2

Chips of purple carrots

Chips of purple carrots imma3

Hello people!! Today I ‘m talking of food now! Today’s recipe is a winner.

Is the second time I bought  purple carrots, this year I’m looking for a lot of new vegetables that I’ve never cooked before, including these one! I stimulate the imagination! Then we are lovers of vegetables!
Recently, I was convinced that they were a cross between carrot and beet, however, thanks to dear Edvige Memento Solonico that there has always been a lots of superuseful information, I discovered that it’s a vegetable older than our carrots , which have a lot of qualities and a strong antioxidant! So that’s fine! Instead of anti-wrinkle creams … purple carrots!
The first time I bought it I made a puree but I was not impressed, so I have not posted it, this time I had the idea of cooking them as if they were potato chips,! just as we do when we make home fries with potatos and without deep fryer, the way home.

Let’s say that I do twice due at noon, but I have literally burned! oh yes it happens! I think you also Cracco little he burned something in his life! .. ahahahha …
I was too excited I have not given up and tonight I remade, among other things, we also decided to eat in a way a bit unusual, but I’ll tell you in the next episode, in order to avoid extensions.
Step straight to the recipe …
Chips of purple carrots:

Chips of purple carrots
Tempo totale
Chips of purple carrots, fried in a tasty and colorful effect
Ricetta: Side dish
Cucina: Italian
  • 8 purple carrots
  • olive oil or for frying enough
  • salt to taste
  1. Cut carrots into julienne, slice the pear 'should not be too fine,
  2. Wash and dry
  3. Meanwhile in a pan bring the oil temperature, put carrots and high heat, cook for about ten minutes, turning them occasionally until they are crispy. Attention to cooking, remove them immediately as they become a little golden otherwise you will burn in an instant.
  4. A nice sprinkling of salt and are ready to be devoured!

Night everyone!

 Chips of purple carrots fried Chips of purple carrots imma3 Chips of purple carrots imma2 Chips of purple carrots imma1