Sticks codfish homemade

The sticks of codfish are a must for anyone who does not have time to cook or do not have any idea what to do until the end, as happened to me one morning.

So I cooked this sticks codfish homemade

Sticks codfish homemade
Tempo totale
cod fish sticks homemade, good and healthy
Ricetta: First Course
Cucina: Italian
Serves: 4
  • 350 g of cod
  • 2 eggs
  • 150 g of bread crumbs
  • 2 tablespoons of flour
  • zest of one lemon
  • parsley. q.s.
  • extra virgin olive oil q.s.
  • salt q.s.
  1. Steaming cod
  2. Chop fine in a blender.
  3. Season with salt, add the flour, lemon zest and parsley.
  4. Mix well.
  5. Bring to room temperature a little extra virgin olive oil in a frying pan
  6. Wet your hands, take cod form a rectangle and pass it in bread crumbs, egg and then in bread crumbs again.
  7. Cook two minutes on each side, drain on paper towels and enjoy them hot.


A quick way to make good use frozen fish.

The children will love, guaranteed ..

