Salmon trout and Zucchini pasta

Salmon trout and Zucchini pasta


Tonight I’m posting after a nice bike ride and after doing my daughter a dutiful trip to park.

This is a receipe that I’ve done on Sunday lunch, the place just now for time matters. I realized that I’m posting mainly pasta, but I don’t want to, seconds are too elaborate … at least  pasta with  fish is light.

This is very easy, very delicate and if I can afford low cost! to you:

Salmon trout and Zucchini pasta
Tempo totale
Salmon trout and Zucchini pasta, recipe for a first fish dish simple, lightweight and economical
Ricetta: First course
Cucina: Italian
Serves: 3
  • 200 g of pasta (linguine extruded in bronze if possibile)
  • 1 large courgette
  • 1 Trout Fillet
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • oil ages
  • parsley to taste
  • white wine to taste
  1. In a pan Fry a clove of garlic with oil add the courgettes cut into washer (half).
  2. Clean and fillet the salmon trout fillet, cut into small pieces and add to zucchini, season with salt and sprinkle with parsley.
  3. Deglaze with white wine.
  4. Cook for about 20 minutes.
  5. Cook pasta in salted water, drain and add it in fish sauce.If necessary add water.
  6. Serve with a nice peppery, there is just fine, and then a drizzle of raw oil!! Enjoy It!

Salmon trout and Zucchini pasta image 1

Salmon trout and Zucchini pasta image 2

Salmon trout and Zucchini pasta image 3

Salmon trout and Zucchini pasta image 4