How to prepare the base of voulevant at home

preparation sequence of voulevant

Hello, this is a post that I put you upon request by friends of the family.

How to prepare the base of voulevant at home using the pastry ready in rolls that you buy in the shops.

Can be prepared in two ways, one more simple but less traditional, and the other one more laborious but result from the most familiar look.

Both are fine to prepare and you’ll have little baskets in puff pastry ready to be stuffed .

METHOD n.1 ( easy )

  • Roll out the dough on lightly floured work surface .
  • Cut into circles of 5 or 6 cm in the dough to cut it
  • With a tool of a smaller diameter, from 3 or 4 cm maximum, affect in the center of the circle without reaching the bottom (no cut).
  • Brush them with beaten egg and bake at 200 °C for 15 minutes.
  • Remove from the oven and with a knife, gently draw the cap formed in the center to create the container filling,

METHOD n. 2 (Base + ring )

  • Prepare the base layer stretching out the dough on lightly floured work surface .
  • Engrave, cut up the dough circles to 6 cm.
  • With a tool of a smaller diameter , from 3 or 4 cm maximum , affect in the center , without reaching the bottom (no cut ) ,
  • Preparing the Ring Hacking other circles from 5 or 6 cm in the rolled out dough to cut it.
  • With a tool of a smaller diameter , from 3 or 4 cm maximum , affect in the center of the circle by cutting the dough .
  • Raise the ring that is formed externally and store it on a base made ​​earlier .
  • Brush them with beaten egg and bake at 200 ° C for 15 minutes.
  • Remove from the oven and with a knife, gently draw the cap formed in the center to create the container filling,
  • Here are the baskets ready to be stuffed in puff pastry
base voulevant step 1
prepare the base of voulevant step 1
base voulevant step 2
prepare the base of voulevant step 2
preparazione base voulevant step 3
prepare the base of voulevant step 3
preparazione base voulevant step 4
prepare the base of voulevant step 4
preparazione base voulevant step 5
prepare the base of voulevant step 5
preparazione base voulevant step 6
prepare the base of voulevant step 6
preparazione base voulevant step 7
prepare the base of voulevant step 7