Little cooked grain basket

Little cooked grain basket, a delicate and elegant appetizer

Ciaooo ….. An idea to submit an appetizer or a drink.

Ignore the eggs because this note was made on the occasion of Easter, but you can submit what you want … the cooked grain bins, a delicate and elegant appetizer

Baskets to the cooked grain
Tempo totale
Baskets to the cooked grain, a delicate and elegant appetizer
Ricetta: Appetiser
Cucina: Italian
  • 200 g of cooked grain
  • 100 g of flour type 00
  • 50 g semolina flour for dusting
  • 1 egg
  • 30 g parmesan cheese
  • 80 g of butter
  • a pinch of salt
  1. Crush the grain with a fork, add the egg, salt and soften everything.
  2. Add the cold butter into small pieces Parmesan cheese and flour.
  3. Knead to a smooth dough
  4. Let rest in refrigerator for half an hour
  5. Then proceed to form the bins
  6. Take a bit of dough and fill the muffin tins previously covered with baking paper.
  7. Cook at 200 ° c for 25 minutes until redden a little.
  8. Serve with what you want


Baskets to the cooked grain photo 3 Baskets to the cooked grain photo 2

Baskets to the cooked grain