Canederli with speck
Tempo totale
Canederli with speck, a tipical italian regional dish from Trentino alto Adige
Ricetta: First course
Cucina: Italian
Serves: 4
  • 200 g of stale bread
  • 50 g of speck (a particular smoked ham)
  • 50 g of lard
  • 2-3 tablespoons of flour
  • milk to taste.
  • salt to taste
  • 1 egg
  • 30 g of grated Parmesan cheese
For the dressing:
  • melted butter
  • a few sage leaves
  • beef broth
  1. Soak the bread in the milk for about an hour.
  2. Cut the speck finely and brown it in a frying pan
  3. Wring out the soaked bread and transfer to a bowl
  4. Add the egg, Parmesan cheese, bacon and lard made ​​into small pieces.
  5. Knead and add flour.
  6. The mixture must be homogeneous.
  7. Shape into balls and roll in flour (about 8 - 2 for person)
  8. Cook in plenty of broth to simmer for about 10 minutes. (They are ready when they float)
  9. Remove them and serve with melted butter and sage.
Recipe by donna e casa ricette at