Peel and slice potatoes, cook them in a pan with a little oil, sprinkle with salt, marjoram, thyme and parsley.
Dissolve saffron in a cup of water and put over potatoes.
Cook for about twenty minutes, adding a little of water if the potatoes dry.
A tip it's to put water to add more in the cup which was dissolved saffron, so not to lose the scent and color.
At this point, rinse, remove the skin, the bones in the gurnard fillets and season with salt.
Wash and cut tomatoes.
In a saute pan with a little 'oil previously sliced shallots, add the fillets of gurnard and tomatoes, sprinkle with white and cook the fish for about 10 minutes.
Add a little sauce of potatoes to give even the fish smell of saffron.
Serve the fish on potatoes.
Recipe by donna e casa ricette at